Fun Facts
Did You Know:
- A single honeybee makes 0.8g (1/10 tsp) of honey in its lifetime.
- Bees contribute not only to the increased production of fruits and vegetables, but also to their size. (Crop pollination).
- A honeybee flies at a maximum speed of 24 km/h and its wings beat 200 times per second, or 12,000 times per minute.
- The colour and taste of honey varies, depending on the flowers (the source of nectar) visited by the bees.
- The average lifespan of a honeybee during the working season is about six weeks.
- In the summer, a colony of honeybees contains 50,000 to 80,000 bees.
- The average Canadian consumes 1kg of honey a year.
- Bees have four wings.
- As native pollinators continue to disappear, the production of many everyday foods depends more and more on honeybees.
- Honeybees must visit about 4 million flowers to produce 1kg of honey.
- The individual cells of a honeycomb have six sides.
- Bees have been producing honey from flowers for about 10 to 20 million years.
- The bulging eyes of the drones help them to spot the queen.
- In Canada, the value of fruits, vegetables and legumes from plants pollinated by bees is more than ten times the value of honey production.
- There are nearly 11,000 beekeepers in Canada.
- Each time a honeybee leaves the hive to seek food, it visits 50 to 100 flowers.
- Mead is the name for wine produced from fermented honey.
- A single colony of honeybees is enough to pollinate an entire acre of fruit trees.
- Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba are the Canadian provinces that produce the most honey.
- There are no African honeybees in Canada.